
Our little journey towards Big impact #2

A Tech Company’s Journey to Greater Impact

Positive Impact, how we choose our battles: an interview with our CEO Constance Nevoret

Here we are again, on our second leg towards the highest summits of sustainable transformation. For this occasion, we’re giving the mic to our CEO Constance Nevoret for a few questions on some burning issues. For example, how we prioritise turnaround projects. Let’s hear it!

You’re behind the Solidarity and Sustainable Transformation launch at LittleBig Connection. On a personal note, what does Positive Impact mean to you?

We spend many hours working, and considering the time and energy we dedicate, we must do it for something we find meaningful. For my part, I want to give my time to things that contribute not only to the success of LittleBig Connection but also to broader societal issues. I want to take part in societal and environmental issues.

I’m personally involved in associations and NGOs through different projects and ways. For example, for 3 months, 15 years ago, I went to a centre for children living on the street and another for blind children.

In school, I was part of an association that organised an eco-friendly trek. That’s where I met Jonas, our new Sustainability Offer Director. Since then, I’ve had other commitments in various NGOs, primarily supporting people who want to start a business or help women with reintegration issues. More recently, I have just joined SISTA as a volunteer.

What triggered you to launch LittleBig Connection in this new chapter?

When I took this direction, we were at a crossroads. It wasn’t just a question of having the desire. It was also a question of customers being ready to follow us. Because the truly big impact will be the transformation of our offer and core business, and we reached this momentum, this time to market, which was reflected in the growing customer demand for these issues.

There was also another element. Jonas contacted me at that time to share his project, which was similar. On the other hand, Leanne, our new Chief Impact Officer, also had this desire. The stars were aligned.

How are you defining your priorities? Using what methodology?

We used the materiality matrix. This is a genuine methodology that questions the various stakeholders internally and externally. It allows us to establish the subjects on which we have the most impact levers in relation to the body of activity and core business. This is very interesting for assessing the importance of the impact issues for each stakeholder.

At LittleBig Connection, we wanted to complete this analysis with a more “qualitative” approach. A pair was formed to interview several clients on their issues in terms of impact and their expectations vis-à-vis LittleBig Connection. A month after their arrival, Leanne and Jonas presented the company’s ambition on this subject to the whole team and presented more than 150 feedbacks showing the fears, expectations and ideas of employees. Finally, we have multiplied the exchanges with actors of our tech ecosystem and that of the impact to perceive their view on our path.

What are the Positive Impact projects that you have identified as priorities?

We have priority projects internally and externally.

Internally, we have launched a major decarbonization project based on the directives of the SBTi  (Science Based Target initiative), with a “Net Zero” objective by 2050 for the entire Mantu group. As to social issues, we have prioritized the promotion of diversity in our teams and among our clients in order to strengthen cultural diversity, the inclusion of people with disabilities, and “female empowerment”.

Externally, we are building our community of ESG & sustainable development experts in order to support our clients in all their sustainable transformation projects by connecting them to the best profiles.

What do you dream of achieving in the next six months at LittleBigConnection?

I dream that LittleBig Connection will become the catalyst for the sustainable transformation of organizations.

Working with 70% of CAC 40 companies and mobilizing alongside them a community of more than 350,000 experts worldwide, our strike force is considerable. Our unique know-how as “connectors” between the needs of companies and external experts can and must be put at the service of our greatest social and environmental challenges.

What initiatives have inspired you?

First, I would say the climate fresk initiative, a simple and fun tool to explain to as many people as possible the causes and consequences of global warming. Via an “open source” model, its founder Cédric Ringenbach managed to deploy the tool on a very large scale. Nearly one million people should be trained by the end of the year! Moreover, after facilitating it with our entire team last June, several employees expressed the wish to become facilitators themselves.

I also think of Patagonia’s founder, Yvon Chouinard, and the books he wrote 20 years ago that are still very visionary. I consider his books to be essential on the responsibility of businesses, and they inspire me, especially “The Responsible Company: What We’ve Learned from Patagonia’s First 40 Years” or “Let my people go surfing.”

And on the same topic, what other books, podcasts or people inspire you?

I follow and read Jean-Marc Jancovici a lot. Recently I read the book of the Shift Project [editor’s note: French association and think tank created in 2010 that aims to mitigate climate change] called “Climate, crises: The plan to transform the French economy”. It’s a very practical book, a summary of a much more detailed plan, which provides positive ways to take action.

For podcasts, I would say that the Thinkerview gives good keys to understanding current affairs or politics. In a more philosophical register, I think of Vlan, which deals with social or nature-related subjects.

In particular, I try to listen to podcasts with scientists who are part of the IPCC, like Valérie Masson-Delmotte, who is brilliant. We don’t listen to them enough; we should invite them everywhere: programmes, podcasts, and above all, really listen to them.

Thank you, Constance, for your enlightening answers. We’ll see you next month for even more adventures!