
What are the benefits for companies committed to equality? Response from the experts

For the purposes of our joint study with SISTA on tech companies facing the challenge of equality, we talked to a number of managers and executive committee members who are committed to diversity. Let’s look back on the reasons that led them to this point.

#1 Attract more applicants

In the technology sector, which is faced by a considerable talent shortage, having the widest possible pool of candidates is essential. The lack of candidates is in large part due to the fact that few women are interested in the opportunities in this sector. There are several reasons for this, including the feeling that these kinds of jobs are too technical and therefore unsuitable, disinterest in this very masculine sector, and negative or discouraging remarks from friends and family about these jobs. The result is a real shortfall for companies who looking for applicants.

Favoring female applicants is an answer to this problem. Indeed, hiring women to fill senior or technical positions opens other women’s eyes to this kind of opportunity and in turn encourages them to apply. Not only do such examples open up new perspectives, they also prove that such positions are accessible to women. Moreover, setting quotas has also proved effective in this area!

#2 Boost innovation

Several of our interviewees said that diversity is a strength. Companies that need to innovate, to act fast and to challenge themselves need all manner of ideas, which can only come from a diverse range of profiles. This creative emulation can even constitute a competitive advantage, as having employees with different ways of communicating, as well as different points of view and experiences, makes it easier for companies to offer products and services that are a reflection of their designers, with all their diversity and differences.

#3 Better understand clients and prospects 

For companies with multiple targets, a wide representation of different viewpoints makes it easier to understand and get to know all their client profiles as they are already represented within the company. This is particularly true in the dating industry, which is closely related to tech. Dating agencies offering a genuine gender-equality policy can prove that they have a better understanding of their customers. In turn, this allows them to offer a product that meets the needs of their target audience exactly.

#4 Improve growth 

The growth of a company and the trust of its staff are linked. In fact, it can be clearly seen that companies perform best when their teams are more involved, confident and fulfilled. For example, when you see your colleagues speak up in a meeting, whatever their profile or seniority, you feel more able to do it yourself. This is how equality works — it allows everyone to feel more at ease. To get to this point, companies need to commit to a policy of equality and, more broadly, diversity.

In short, whether from a business, innovation or corporate standpoint, it is in all companies’ interests to have an equality policy. For more information, all the advice from the experts interviewed can be found here.